Friday, October 21, 2011

Our House

Welcome to our new home!  We moved from a 3,000 sq ft home that we had built in 1999 into this charming 1958 ranch this summer.  Moving was a hard decision, but down sizing felt like the right thing to do since our three oldest kids are off on their own, which left the three of us feeling a little lost in a five bedroom home.  This house makes me smile with her bright, cheery walls and her mix of contemporay and vintage pieces.

Pictured below are before (previous owner) and after photos of our home.  Notice the incredible hardwoods in this house!  Part of the purchase agreement was that floors in the living room, "dining room" and bedrooms be re-finished.  They did an amazing job on the floors and I can hardly believe they are ours to enjoy.

Hopefully I will be adding more photos in the future as we work on re-decorating the finished basement and adding our touches to the outside of the house. Be sure to check out both pages of pictures. 

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